7 Facts You (Maybe) Didn't Know About MTC


We understand it can be a little intimidating to pick a plumber. You want to know not just about the business, but about the people running the business.

Well, here are some facts about our business that you may want to know before you meet us in person!

Fact 1: We didn't start out as a business.

Our founder, Doug Luffman, started his plumbing career as an apprentice under a master plumber.

After gaining a few years of experience, he studied for and passed the Block and Associates Examination to become a Master Plumber.

As he continued to grow in his plumbing career through working for other companies and doing side line jobs on evenings and weekends, he saw an opportunity to officially start his own business: Master's Touch Construction Plumbing, or MTC Plumbing for short.

Fact 2: We've serviced hundreds of homes in a number of cities.

From our business records, we've worked in more than 400 homes across a range of places in the Kansas City metro area.

Our top cities are Overland Park, Olathe, Lenexa and Shawnee.

However, we've also driven out to homes as far west as Lawrence on the Kansas side, as well as Leawood and Prairie Village.

And on the Missouri side, we've helped homeowners in the Waldo area of KCMO as well as Lee's Summit.

Fact 3: We're family owned and operated.

Because we're a family business, this helps us keep administrative and maintenance costs as low as possible to provide our customers with high-quality service at affordable pricing.

Throughout the years, our children have helped us in various ways with our plumbing business. This allowed them to learn the joy of hard work early, and gain many practical life skills!

For example, they've assisted us in bill-paying, tax preparation, media advertising, and work truck organizing and cleaning.

(Read more about our family on the Midwest Parent Educators blog!)

Fact 4: We never expected these business situations...

  • To uncover the cause of one toilet blockage as a woman's scrunchie hairband. Doug: "I thought I'd need a sledgehammer to remove that thing!"

  • To have a thriving business for more than 30 years.

  • To pull out pasta as part of a plumbing repair. Backstory: A woman had found dried bugs in her pasta and decided to throw it all into the garbage disposal. The pasta had hardened into a concrete-like consistency by the time Doug arrived!

Fact 5: We have experience with both construction and servicing sides of plumbing.

For many years, Doug focused on plumbing in new construction, along with constructing new basement finishes and bathroom remodels.

When new construction slowed, he adjusted to servicing, especially as word of mouth spread about his experience.

Doug's construction experience serves him especially well when he troubleshoots existing plumbing systems, since he started out designing and creating them.

Fact 6: Our personal hobbies and interests include:

  • Designing and building both of Doug's personal homes. Doug: "Having an insider's perspective on how homes are constructed has served me well in my trade."

  • Activities with our local church.

  • Family time on vacations to places such as Colorado and Lake of the Ozarks.

"Fact" 7: Our super-power is...

All right, you guessed it. So we don't really have a super-power. But if we did, it would be the ability to slow down time just to enjoy life more.

As we all know, life isn’t just about the destination, but also the journey!

MTC Plumbing Team